Angela Morrow

Angela moves fluidly between printmaking, and leatherwork, with the consistent theme being color. She has always been passionate about color mixing, constantly finding inspiration in her urban and natural surroundings. Her monotypes consist of multi layers of ink and chine-collé papers, resulting in prints that create depth with transparency and rich tones. 

Her leatherwork focuses on the process of debossing vegetable tanned leather. With the use of a bookpress, impressions are made into the leather using woodblock carvings, leather scrap shapes, or found objects. Afterwards, the leather is dyed by hand with sponges with water based leather dyes. A portion of her work explores the combination of monotypes and leather collaged together on cradle panels. While much of her work can be seen as abstract, some suggest pastoral and urban scenes.  

Angela grew up in rural Ohio. After studying Fashion Design at the University of Cincinnati, she pursued a career in Fashion Design in New York City. She worked for Old Navy and later founded a surface design company. Her family began traveling west, and eventually settled in Portland Oregon, where they have resided since 2012.

After spending several years focusing primarily on her two children, Angela started Purpose Handmade. Her focus was on hand-stitched and hand dyed leather goods and art. Later, she co-founded Plural Collective, a mixed-use work, and retail artist space.

Currently, Angela is a member of Alberta Street Gallery where she has a permanent space to display her art. The collection consists of leather art & monotypes.